Inventory Transfers are used to move Stock Items from one location (stand or warehouse) to another. You will perform a transfer when moving stock items from your warehouse to a stand, or when replenishing a stand during an event. Completing transfers is imperative to keeping your inventory status (counts) accurate at each of your locations.
- Create a New Transfer
- Open vs. Closed Transfer
- View Pending Transfer Request
- Edit an Open Transfer
- Close an Open Transfer
- View a Closed Transfer
- Duplicate a Closed Transfer
- Print a Transfer
- Undo a Transfer
- Frequently Asked Questions
Create a New Transfer
To start a transfer of inventory, navigate to Inventory > Transfers.
1. Click Create Transfer.
2. Fill in the fields requested on the New Transfer page.
- Source: The location you will move stock out of
- Destination: The location that will receive the stock
Event (Optional): Select the Event you are making the transfer for.
- Note: When a transfer is completed during the Event window (between start and end time of event), the transfer will auto-populate to your stand sheet for that location.
- Date Sent: The date of the transfer. You may select a date and time from the past.
- Comments (Optional): Type any relevant notes here.
3. Select a Stock Item to add to the transfer from the Add a Stock Item menu.
- To add all items from the Source location, click the Add All button.
- Note: Only items that are sold at both the Source and Destination will appear when using the Add All button. You will need to manually type and select any stock item that does not already exists at the destination location.
4. Enter the number of the Stock Item that was sent to the Destination location in the Sent field.
- To send all available quantities of the selected Stock Items, click the Send All button.
5. Once all Stock Items have been added, click the Create Open Transfer or Create Closed Transfer button. See the next section Open vs. Closed Transfers to decide if you want to create an open or closed transfer.
Stock Item Count Indicators
To the left of a Stock Item is a color indicator related to the counts of the item at the Source location.
Green indicates the stock item can be brought to par while Red indicates a shortage of product available to transfer at the source.
Be sure to take note of these indicators as you are adding Stock Items to your transfer. If your Source location lacks inventory, make sure your Purchase Orders are up to date.
Open vs. Closed Transfer
Open Transfer
An Open Transfer is used when If you would like the receiving location to count and verify the items received and sign a printed transfer page. This will immediately remove the counts from the source location but will not add the counts to the destination location until you close the transfer.
Once the stock is received at the destination location, close the transfer.
Closed Transfer
Creating a Closed Transfer will automatically remove the stock counts from the source location and add them to the destination. No verification is needed before counts are removed and added from each location. Typically, you will use this to reflect a transfer that you already completed in real life.
View Pending Transfer Requests
Transfer requests are transfers you would like to complete but haven't yet.
Transfer Requests are created when you use the Bring Inventory to Par feature for one or more locations. For more information on creating Transfer Requests, visit Bringing Inventory to Par.
To finish the transfer that was requested,
- Click the Transfer Requests button in the upper-right.
- Click the Bring to Par link to the right of the request previously submitted.
- The New Transfer page will be opened with fields and Stock Items from the previous transfer automatically filled in.
- Continue following the steps outlined in the section Create a New Transfer to finish creating the Transfer.
Edit an Open Transfer
To edit an Open Transfer,
- In the list of Inventory Transfers, click the Edit link to the right of the transfer.
- Update the Comments field with any additional notes if necessary.
- In the list of Stock Items, add or remove any missing Stock Items or update amounts Sent.
- Once all edits have been made, click the Update button to save the changes.
Close an Open Transfer
When the Destination location has received the Transfer, they will need to perform counts on the received Stock Items and close the transfer with the received counts.
To update the counts and close the Transfer,
- In the list of Inventory Transfers, click the Close link to the right of the transfer.
- If any comments need to be added to the transfer, enter them into the Comments field.
- Verify the items received and the amount. If quantities received need to be updated, enter the correct counts in the Received column in the items list at the bottom.
- Once all counts have been verified, click the Close Transfer button.
- The counts at the source and destination location are now updated to reflect the transfer.
View a Closed Transfer
If at any point you would like to view the details of a previous Transfer request, simply click the View link to the right of a Transfer in the Inventory Transfers list.
Duplicate a Closed Transfer
If you are transferring a common set of Stock Items to a location, you can save time by duplicating a previous Transfer request.
To duplicate a previous Transfer,
- In the list of Inventory Transfers, click the Duplicate link to the right of the transfer.
- The New Transfer page will be opened with fields and Stock Items from the previous transfer automatically filled in.
- Continue following the steps outlined in previous section, Create a New Transfer.
Print a Transfer
Having a printout of a Transfer request can be handy when performing counts on inventory being sent between locations.
To print a Transfer request,
- In the list of Inventory Transfers, click the Print link to the right of the transfer.
- A loading icon will appear to the right of the Transfer as a PDF document is generated.
- Once the document is generated, your system's Print dialog will appear to allow you to print the Transfer document.
Undo a Transfer
In some cases, a Transfer may not go as planned or an Open Transfer was closed prematurely. Clover Sport Manager gives you the option to Undo a Transfer.
When you undo a Transfer, it will remove the counts added to the Destination location and return them to the Source location. The Transfer record will also be deleted.
To undo a Transfer,
- In the list of Inventory Transfers, click Undo.
- In the confirmation dialog, click Confirm.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I backdate a transfer?
Yes, you can change the date it was sent to be in the past.
Can I schedule a transfer to happen in the future?
No, we don't currently support scheduled transfers.
What determines the stock items in the dropdown?
All stock items from the source location will be on the list that you can search from.
What determines items that appear using the Add All button?
All items that exists at both the Source location and the Destination location will be added when you click Add All.