Clover Sport Manager offers a convenient way to see the Status of your Inventory for all of your Locations. It also offers a detailed view of the Stock Items that you have on hand at each Location.
Inventory Status at a Single Location
1. Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Status.
2. Click on the Location's name from the list that you would like to view. This brings you to a page that displays a list of every Stock Item you currently have at this location.
3. View the following information in each column:
Stock Item: Stock Items appear in this list when the stock item is in a recipe attached to a menu item or modifier that is sold at that location.
- Note: When Stock Items are inside Recipes that are attached to Menu Items, they show up immediately on the list of Stock Items at the location. When Stock Items are inside Recipes that are attached to Modifiers, they do not appear in the list until a sale of that Modifier is made at that location.
Status: If you set a Par for this Stock Item, the Status column displays the percentage of Par currently available at this location.
- Note: When your count gets below 75% of par, the status turns orange. When your count gets below 25% of par, the status turns red.
- Storage Area: Assigning a Storage Area to your Stock Item at a Location makes Transfers and Audits more efficient by organizing the Stock Items in a list under the assigned Storage Area.
- Inventory Category: The Inventory Category that you assigned to the Stock Item under Ingredients > Stock Items.
Current Count: The current quantity of that Stock Item that you have on hand.
- Note: This information displays according to the Display Unit of Measure that you assigned to this Stock Item. For example, if your Display UoM is case, this page will display approximately how many cases you currently have. The most precise Display UoM is your Base Unit.
PAR: Setting a Par for each Stock Item allows you to have an accurate Status of that Stock Item.
- Note: If you do not set a Par for a Stock Item, the Status of the Stock Item will always be 100%.
Pro tip: Set your Par and your Display Unit as the same Unit of Measure.
- Example: If you Display by the Base Unit of each, set your Par to each so that the data is easy to read.
Actions (column):
- View Stock Item Properties: Click here to open the Stock Item window. This is helpful to see the Units of Measure and quantities of each for that Stock Item as well as editing the Display Unit of Measure.
4. Perform any of the following actions from this page:
Create Storage Areas:
- Click Create Storage Area.
Type in the name of the storage area and press Enter on your keyboard.
- To add more than one storage area, after typing in the name of a storage area, press Comma (,) or Enter on your keyboard to start adding another storage area name.
- Once the storage area name(s) has been entered, click Save.
Assign a Storage Area:
To a Single Item:
1. Click the Pencil to the right of the item name in the Storage Area column. (Note: If a Create link is displayed instead, you have not created any Storage Areas yet.)
2. Click the drop-down menu to select a storage area or type into the field provided to search for a storage area.
3. Click the green Checkmark to save the changes.
To Multiple Items: If multiple Stock Items are going to be stored in the same Storage Area, select those items and assign a Storage Area to the selected items at the same time.
1. Click the checkbox next to the Stock Items you would like to assign to a Storage Area.
2. Click the Actions (blue button) in the upper-left corner.
3. Click Assign Storage Area.
4. Click a Storage Area from the drop-down menu.
5. Click Save.
To a Single Item:
Create Transfer: Click here to create a new Transfer.
Back To All Locations: Click here to return to the list of all Locations.
Set the Par for a Single Stock Item:
- Click the Pencil in the PAR column of the Stock Item you wish to edit.
- Enter the minimum quantity of the item to be held at the Location.
- Note: If you do not set a Par for a Stock Item, the Status of the Stock Item will always be 100%.
Pro tip: Set your Par and your Display Unit as the same Unit of Measure.
- Example: If you Display by the Base Unit of each, set your Par to each so that the data is easy to read.
- Select the Unit of Measure from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Plus to save changes.
Edit All Pars:
1. Click Edit All Pars.
2. Type the minimum quantity of each item to be held at the Location.
3. Select the Unit of Measure from the dropdown menu.
4. Click Save All Pars.
Bring Location to Par:
- Click Bring Location to Par.
- Select the Source Location from which the items will come from (usually the Warehouse).
- If you need more or less than par, enter the percentage amount into the Percentage of Par field.
- Click the Create Transfer button to start creating the request.
- The New Transfer page will be opened with fields and Stock Items automatically filled in with what you need to restock this location to Par.
- Continue following the steps outlined in the article Inventory Transfers to finish creating the Transfer.
Waste a Stock Item:
- Note: If you choose to Waste a Stock item by following the steps below, there will be no report generated to account for the cost of the wasted items.
1. Select the Stock Item(s) to waste using the checkboxes to the left of the Stock Item names.
2. Click Actions (blue) in the upper-left.
3. Click Waste Items in the menu that appears.
4. In the dialog that appears, enter the count of items wasted into the Waste Count column.
5. After all counts have been entered, click the Waste Stock Items button.
Inventory Status at All Locations
1. Navigate to Inventory > Status. A list of all your locations is found here.
2. View the following information in each column:
- Location: The name of the location. Click the Location name to view the specific Stock Item counts for that stand.
- Status: If you set a Par for this location, the Status column displays the percentage of Par currently available at the location.
- Location Type: The Location Type that was set under POS Manager > Locations for this location.
- Current Count: A sum of the total Stock Item counts available at this location. This is a sum of the Base Units of each Stock Item.
- Par Totals: A sum of all the Pars you set for each Stock Item at this location
3. You may perform any of the following from this page:
Bring to Par (Single Location)
- Click Bring to Par to the right of a location.
- In the Select Source dialog, select the location from which the items will come from (usually the Warehouse).
- If you need more or less than par, enter the percentage amount into the Percentage of Par field.
- Click the Create Transfer button to start creating the request.
- The New Transfer page will be opened with fields and Stock Items automatically filled in with what you need to restock this location to Par.
- Continue following the steps outlined in the article Inventory Transfers to finish creating the Transfer.
Bring to Par (Multiple Locations)
- Click the checkboxes next to the Locations you wish to bring to Par.
- Click the Actions menu in the upper-left.
- Click Bring to Par in the menu that appears.
- If you need more or less than par, enter the percentage amount into the Percentage of Par field.
- Click Transfer Requests.
Do one of the following:
- Click the Bring to Par button to complete the transfer.
- Delete the transfer.
7. Continue following the steps outlined in the article Inventory Transfers to finish creating the Transfer.
Transfer IN
- Click the Transfer In link to the right of a Location.
- The New Transfer page will be opened with the Destination field automatically filled into the selected Location.
- Continue following the steps outlined in the article Inventory Transfers to finish creating the Transfer.
Transfer OUT
- Click the Transfer Out link to the right of a Location.
- The New Transfer page will be opened with the Source field automatically filled into the selected Location.
- Continue following the steps outlined in the article Inventory Transfers to finish creating the Transfer.