There are several ways to refund an order in Clover Sport. This article will demonstrate all the ways you can refund an order.
Some features may behave differently than listed below. For more information click here.
- Refund an Order from the Orders Screen
- Refund an Order from a Different Device
- Refunding through Clover Sport Manager
Refunding an Order from the Orders Screen
The Orders screen allows users to view an order's details. You can navigate to the Orders screen from the Home screen or from the Register screen.
On the Orders screen, you can tap on the order you want to refund or search for the order number in the search bar.
Tapping on an order will display the order details page. To refund the order tap Refund Order.
Refund an Order from a Different Device
If you do not have access to the device the order was taken on, you can navigate to the Orders screen on a different device to search for the order number.
(Note: It may take a couple of minutes for the order to sync to another device)
On the Orders screen, tap on the All Orders button in the top left to show all orders. Then use the search bar to search for the order number in the search bar.
Tapping on an order will display the order details page. To refund the order tap Refund Order.
Refunding through Clover Sport Manager
1. On, navigate to the Orders section.
2. You can search for orders by:
- Daily Order ID on the top of the receipt. For more information on Receipts, click here.
- Receipt ID.
- Last four digits of the credit card.
- Customer Name
3. Click on the order to see the order details.
4. Click the blue Actions button. Then click the Refund Order button.