Surcharges are fees automatically applied to every order, and can be applied as a default set of Surcharges to a whole venue, a Location, a Suite Account, or a Booking via Surcharge Groups. A Surcharge Group allows you to set up a grouping of Surcharges that can be referenced across Bypass Manager, and are most commonly used in suites and premium areas.
Table of Contents
To start managing your Surcharges, navigate to Configuration > Order Adjustments > Surcharges in Bypass Manager.
Create a Surcharge
To create a new Surcharge,
- Click the green Create button in the upper-right corner.
- Click the blue Add Surcharge button.
3. Fill in any applicable information, including the Surcharge Name, Tax Group, whether it is a percentage or fixed rate, and if it is for In-seat or Walk-up.
- For a list of definitions for the available fields, see the Surcharges fields definitions at the end of this article.
4. Click Done when finished.
NOTE: When adding a percentage-based surcharge, only whole numbers may be used. Percentages with a decimal are not allowed. Surcharges with a value of 0 can be used to override pre-existing surcharges by booking. |
Create a Surcharge Group
Once a Surcharge has been created, it can be saved to a Surcharge Group. Name the group with an optional description and click the green Save button to finish the process.
Any additional Surcharges can be added to the group by clicking on the blue Add Surcharge button.
Edit a Surcharge or Surcharge Group
If you need to make any changes to a Surcharge or Surcharge Group, simply click on the Surcharge Group. Here you can edit the name and description, as well as mouseover the attached Surcharges where two icons will appear.
The trash icon will remove the Surcharge from the Group and the pencil icon will allow you to edit the Surcharge itself.
Surcharges fields
Field | Definition |
Surcharge Name | Name of the surcharge. (Name will also be displayed on the receipt) |
Amount | Amount of surcharge. |
% / $ | Unit of the surcharge. (Percentage or Dollar value) |
In Seat | If checked, surcharge will be applied to orders that have a Service Location. |
Walk Up | If checked, surcharge will be applied to orders without a Service Location. |
Tax Group | Select Tax Group if the surcharge has a tax rate. (Leave unselected if there is no tax) |