In Manager, you can write off outstanding Failed balances to correct amounts that can't be collected.
Writing off an order CANNOT BE UNDONE. Write off orders with caution.
Table of Contents
Writing Off Failed Orders
If payment can no longer be collected on a failed order then the order can be written off.
1. On the Orders Page, click on an order in the Action Needed section.
2. Clicking on an order will show the order's details. To write off the order, click the Write Off Order button in the top right corner.
3. The order will move to a Closed state and will show a Write Off as one of the Payments.
Writing off Open Orders
1. On the Orders Page, click on an order in the Open section.
2. Open Orders can be written off from the additional options menu on the Order Details page by clicking the 3 dots and selecting Write Off Order.
Reporting On Write-Offs
Orders that are Opened or Failed will not show up in your Total or Net Sales.
1. To see any Open or Failed Orders you can navigate to the Reports page and then find the Order Not Included in Sales report.
If you want an order included in the Write Off Orders section of the report, you can write off an order to close it.
Warning: Writing off an order CANNOT BE UNDONE. Write off orders cautiously.