Location Groups allow you to create categories to use as filters in your reporting data to group location sales data together under one report. Follow the steps below to create your Location Groups:
Decide how many categories you want to create within your list of Location Groups and then navigate to the Location Groups tab. You can then click the create button and name each group.
You can then navigate to each Location under POS Manager > Locations and assign the desired location group to each location.
It will then be an available filter in your Reports.
Example of a Location Group Filter
Please see below for an example of how Location Groups could help you organize your reports. Notice that the report below is filtered by the location group: Bar Group. Each location (East Bar, West Bar, Tiki Bar and Catering Bar) has been set up using the steps outlined above so that they belong to the Bar Group location group. As a result, when that filter is applied, you can see that the information in the report is specific to only those locations. This may be useful if you frequently want to see your sales data filtered by certain groups of locations (e.g. Concessions, Bars, Suites, etc.).